Monday, February 4, 2013

Hands and Feet

Audrey has discovered her hands. She is absolutely fascinated with them. She will sit and stare at her hands like they are the most interesting thing in the world. She opens and closes her fingers and moves her hands from side to side and just stares. It is cute and funny, though she kind of looks like a stoner while gawking at her hands. Sometimes her eyes even cross. I haven't gotten a good picture of this yet. Today she also started to notice her feet. Not in an "oh those are attached to my legs and I can control them way", but in a "hey there is something else to look at way." I was able to get a cute picture of her watching her feet move. Little does she know they are attached to her body and she can control how they move.
She also loves to stand. Standing is her favorite. Unfortunately I don't have any good pictures of her standing yet as it is hard to take a picture while she is standing on me. She's not quite good enough to stay up on her won yet and I can't take a picture with the fancy camera while holding her up. I'm just not that talented. It seems whenever JT is here to assist the lighting is horrible. Some day soon we'll get some good pictures. Until then this not so great photo will have to do.
Audrey is still taking her naps in her crib like a big girl, usually 4 naps a day. She even started sleeping in her own room at night last week. Though, she is not yet sleeping in her crib at night. It seems the crib is too big, too flat, and too scary for night time. She is much happier swaddled up in her cozy bouncer chair at night. She gets swaddled for naps too, she like to be as snug as a bug in a rug. However, the best part about swaddling is the stretching she does when she is released. It is so cute.
In other news I go back to work next week. Whomp, whomp. On the plus side I don't go back until Wednesday and I'm not working Fridays so I only have two days. Plus, JT is going to parent during the day the first two days and the next week my parents are coming to babysit. This is because our daycare provider, a roller derby stud, just had surgery on a broken collar bone. Thus, she is not quite ready to care for a teeny, tiny baby. The plus side of this situation is that for the first two weeks I am back at work Audrey will still be in the house with me while I am working. I am hoping being able to sneak a few minutes with her here and there during the day will make the transition easier not harder.

I will leave you with a couple cute pictures of the little doot, doot. She is starting to outgrow some of her cutest clothes. It's a good thing grandma is coming soon to help her stock up on 6 month stuff!

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