Saturday, February 23, 2013

Audrey 3 Months

Audrey was three months old on the 21st. A quarter of a year. Please slow your roll baby girl, you are getting big way too fast. I have heard moms say that so many times but you really can't understand how fast the time goes until you have a little one. They get big so stinkin' fast!
Doot, doot is doing all kinds of big girl things to celebrate her three month birthday. We tried out her bumbo seat and she is in love. She loves sitting up so she can keep an eye on what is going on around the house.
Don't worry we did not leave her alone in her bumbo on the table.
 She also still loves standing, kneeling, and her play gym. Audrey is really good at playing on her own. I can put her in her floor gym, or just on a blanket on the floor, and she will coo, giggle, and amuse her self for a good long time. She is getting more and more responsive to things going on around her all the time. She will smile and giggle at mom or dad making funny faces almost every time. She also sometimes tries to mimic the face. It is heart melting. Talking is also a favorite pass time. She really likes to play with her voice and we sure enjoy listening to her. JT loves it when she talks, he thinks she is really trying to say something. Other new tricks in the last couple of weeks include grabbing blankets and toys and trying to get them to her mouth, sleeping without a swaddle, and rolling onto her side.

Audrey had been sleeping through the night for quite awhile, usually from 8 to 6 with a quick feeding at about 10:30. In the last week or so she has been waking up at 3 or 4 demanding to eat, so we oblige. I will note that this is still an excellent sleep pattern for a 3 month old; however, it is hard to get up in the middle of the night when you have gotten used to sleeping for 7 or 8 straight hours. So while I know she is still sleeping super well, we are tired because we aren't used the middle of the night feeding anymore. I'm guessing she is going through a growth spurt, but she also seemed to be getting very frustrated with being swaddled. So, last night after she woke and ate JT put her back to bed without her swaddle blanket. She slept great and seemed to be a bit better at getting herself back to sleep than she was when swaddled. He also put her back to sleep in her crib. This is a big deal. She has been sleeping in her bouncy chair at night since she was about a month old, she did not like to sleep flat all night. We got a wedge for her crib to see if that would help but we hadn't tried putting her in there at night until yesterday.  She did great. Who knows if that will last, but she has taken all of her naps without a swaddle today and it has gone well, so it seems she may be ready for free arms.
Audrey loves Grandma Nelson
 I also have found her on her side and on her stomach in her crib after naps this week. I think the wedge we have in her crib may have contributed to the stomach roll. I am guessing she got sideways on the wedge on her side and sort of tumbled to her stomach. But I found her on her side when she was not on the wedge so she is getting close to rolling. This development also contributed to giving her a chance to sleep without the swaddle. I don't want her to get stuck on her stomach so having her hands free to help with that seems like a good idea.

And last but not least, Audrey and I went to our first mommy and me yoga class today. We had fun. Audrey was pretty good for the first half hour and then she got a bit bored. But, the teacher picked he up and carried her around for the second half which kept her happy and allowed mom to get her yoga done. So all in all it was a success!

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