Saturday, May 23, 2015

The brothers: 4 months.

The brothers turned 4 months old while I was traveling for work.

I was gone from Monday to Friday. The Babas (my parents) came to help JT. They all looked pretty ragged when I got home. Apparently the brothers missed me. Or, more specifically they missed my breasts. They have never been wild for the bottle and apparently dislike it even more when the milk is frozen. Especially Kai. For perspective, when I left both swings were in the basement and had been since the brothers were born. When I got home one was upstairs. Poor brothers.
Kai's crabby week was attributed to my absence, however Soren has been a super crab this week and I am here so perhaps it was more related to a growth spurt and developmental leaps. Who knows.
What we do know is that the 4 month sleep regression is real. I didn't recall experiencing it with Audrey so I looked back at old blog posts. Rose colored glasses. She too was on the sleep struggle bus at 4 months. I take solace in the fact that I did not remember sleep was rough at four months, that can only mean it improved quickly. Because sleep regression times two babies is no joke.

We did decide that since they aren't sleeping well anyway now would be a good time to move them to their crib. This may be a tactical error but there is no turning back now!

Really though, the brothers are great. They are giggly fun little people with easy smiles. They are happy to entertain themselves on a blanket or in their floor gym for a good long time. They are growing wonderfully, Soren even made it onto the weight curve at 2%. Kai is not quite there yet but they are both doing great weighing in at 12 pounds 3 ounces and 11 pounds 14 ounces. 

They have rolled over a handful of times but it really isn't a regular occurrence yet. At least I think both have. We have found the hard thing about twins is separating milestones between kids. We tend to think of them as one, sorry brothers. Both brothers do love to bat at and play with toys, in fact they have very good aim. They also love to stand up. Soren impressed his physical therapist with his standing abilities, good work Soren.

That doots still loves to help with the brothers. Perhaps too much. She is really good with them, so much so we don't always watch her as closely as we should. The other night I looked over and she was saying "wee!" and swinging Soren as hard as she could in his swing. Whoops. He was fine. She also likes to come in their room to "help put them to bed" it is not even a little bit helpful. Generally speaking though, she really is pretty great with them. She has gotten pretty good at giving them pacifiers and is quick to help when asked. Good work little lady.

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