Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's all fun and games until you get trapped on a patio

Audrey had the best weekend ever.

The weekend before last I was very busy with derby. Which means I did not get to spend much time with JT and Audrey. As a result, last weekend was family fun weekend.

We did all of the fun things. We went and had beers on the patio at Hop Cat. We subsequently got trapped on the patio when their systems crashed. Read, no one could pay or get their check.

At bedtime.

It was not ideal.

Eventually, for the good of the public, we threw some cash on the table and left. Baby girl needed to go to bed. Other than the computer snafu, it was great. How can you go wrong with 100 beers on tap!

On Saturday we went to the local water park. Audrey loved playing in the splash pad and sitting in the shallow water. However, she loved being zoomed through the water by us most. To keep with the theme of the weekend, she did not get to be zoomed in the water until it was almost time to go because someone puked in the pool right when we got there.

I am not kidding.

Apparently, it takes a half an hour or so to clean and sterilize a puked in pool. When we finally were able to get in the pool Audrey had a blast. She only unintentionally put her face in the water once. Water is tricky, so clear it looks like air to babies. JT went down the slides. Audrey is still just a hair too short for the slides.

I don't have any pictures of the water park. Sorry.

Finally, on Sunday we went to the regular park. Shasta even got to come. When we got there we were the only people there so Shasta got to have some off leash time. She thought it was pretty great. It was quite hot though, so she was spent by the time another family arrived and she had to get on the leash.
 Audrey also loved the park. Well she loved the swings. She was not quite as sure about the wood chips. She wanted to eat them, but did not like crawling or standing on them.
But she loved the swings. Like open mouthed, belly laughing loved the swings. She's going to be a daredevil that one. Loves to swing, loves to be zoomed through water, loves to be tossed, and loves it even more if you pretend to drop her. Sounds like she will make a good little athlete someday!

Family fun weekend was great. I can't wait to do it again next weekend.

In other news, Audrey is now crawling on her hands and knees, and is quite quick. She has also learned how to pull herself to standing. So, naturally that is all she wants to do.

Pull herself up on the granite fireplace, seems safe. Pull herself up in her crib, who needs sleep anyway. Pull herself up on the couch, sure why not.

I could go on and on. It seems like she is changing by the minute right now. Growing up is hard work, she should take a break.

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