Monday, July 27, 2015

The brothers: 6 months

Those brothers are a half a year old. It is really, really hard to believe they have been here a whole 6 months. Truly.

They are generally happy little guys. Though they are both working on some teeth which has their temperament and sleep a bit sporadic. Good days are pretty good, they usually only get up once to eat. Bad days are, well bad. JT and I tag team on those days and we survive. It is only sleep after all.

They are doing all sort of fun things to mark their 6 month birthday. They both roll from their belly to their back, they can sit up on their own for 30 seconds or more, they have tried bananas - they were indifferent.
An aside - differences between first child and subsequent - we were/are not in a rush to get those boys eating solids like we were with baby number one. We know how much more work food is. Also, we have zero pictures of their first food experience. Though I do have some of Soren eating a breastmilk popsicle. Sorry dudes.
One of our favorite things to watch is them interacting with each other. When they see each other they get really excited. Arms and legs waving all over the place, big smiles. They also reach for each other, hold hand, pet heads, all of that cute stuff. And, of course they steal things from one another, punch each other in the face, and kick one another. I'm sure that will continue for the long haul.

They are getting big. Big enough to ride in the jogging stroller comfortably. Big enough to read books. They actually seem to love books and reach out to touch all of the pictures. Big enough to put their pacis in their mouth by themselves. Big enough to hold their own bottles. Big enough to play in their jumper and exersaucer.
They are for sure not serious babies. Not at all. The smiles come so easy for these little dudes. Especially for Audrey, she gets smiles from them with barely a look in their direction. They love their big sister and she loves them. "Oh, brother. I just want to touch you. Oh, brother I just want to kiss you." She loves them, lots and lots. She especially loves when it is time for them to nap or go to bed because she gets to watch a show. She is always saying "brother are tired they need to take a nap. I watch a show?" Smart lady, you are.

In other exciting news: the brothers eyes seem to have gone from gray to blue! Audrey's eyes had already turned brown by now. The brothers' have lightened up to blue. For some reason I find that to be very exciting, I suppose because neither of us have blue eyes. I told JT they are just trying to live up to their name to the best of their ability with blonde hair and blue eyes. Sweet little Scandinavian babies.

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