Our sweet, spunky girl is 5. You are maturing and growing by leaps and bounds every single day. You have a kind spirit, a strong desire to have life go your way, and when you decide a determination that can't be stopped. Unfortunately you often opt not to be determined, but it is there.

You, baby girl love to play pretend more than anything else in this world. Every day when I pick you up from school and ask about free choice time you say you played school and family. Every day. You have four babies you care for night and day. Their names are Sadie, Barney, Barrack, and Margret. We shall see what you name the brand new baby you are getting for your birthday?!
I will get to all of the things you love in a minute, but first let's talk about your kind and caring spirit. Now, to be fair you are not kind and caring all the time. You are 5 and sometimes you are decidedly unkind. But at your core you are a caregiver. You love to help with baby Sam, to a fault at times. And when you are in the mood you are very helpful to mom and dad as well. But your kindness shines in interactions with your brothers, most of the time. You love to help them. You always know what they are saying, this actually drives mom crazy but it is helpful. And you often play together quite nicely. The other day we went to an open house at Mr. Jim's Nature Discovery Center (Mr. Jim is your favorite special teacher at school. He teaches nature, be still my heart.). When you asked if brothers could miss nap next time Mr. Jim has an open house so they could come with. You said you felt very, very sad brothers didn't get to come because you really thought they would have loved seeing all the animals at Mr. Jim's. This is one of the kindest most compassionate moments I have experienced with you and it was so very genuine. You HATE it when brothers miss their nap, so this declaration was seriously selfless sweet girl.

Speaking of brothers I would be remiss not to talk about the bond you and Soren have. It is unexpected, and intense. Your dad and I think you and Soren play together more than Soren and Kai play together. I never would have expected that. In fact my first thought when we found out we were having twin boys was, what did we do to our sweet girl? She will forever be an outsider. Well it seems at least in this stage of life that was a needless worry because you and Soren are tight. You love to sit and read the cake book together, he loves babies too and likes to join in pretend play with you (you aren't always a fan of this, don't worry he is getting a doll of his own), you play tag, and Soren is forever saying Audrey, Audrey. It is so fun to watch the love you have for each other. You and Kai play too, but Soren is definitely your guy right now.

You love babas and cousins more than almost anything else. You love both sets of grandparents and those cousins. Oh my you love those cousins, especially Anders. You are been talking about how excited you are to see Anders and play zombie tag at babas for weeks!!

You are your own woman and that is just how it should be. At home you are the boss of all things, but with your peers you are mild mannered and a bit reserved. I am forever trying to help you advocate for your needs with your peers. You should get a turn to be the mom when you play family too, baby girl! Vocalize your needs, stand up for yourself, be confident, you are amazing and people will like you! But then those are things that most grown ups struggle with too, so we will keep at it and you will learn as you go.

We love you sweet baby girl. I am going to be sad when you start kindergarten next year and we no longer have Tuesday mornings just Audrey and mommy. Having one of my days off be on a day brothers are in school is the best decision I ever made. I love having a morning every week of just mommy and Audrey time. I think you love it too. I am going to miss them when you go to school.

Keep growing and exploring my sweet five year old. The world is yours to take by storm.
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