I'm back!
I am still doing the 365 project of daily pictures, though I have not been so good about putting those up on the blog. I will try to get back to that. But, I want to write some words about these kiddos because as we all know it is hard to recall life at any given moment a year down the road. I really, really enjoy seeing blog post from a year or two ago pop up on Facebook. It is so fun to see what was happening and what I do and do not recall. So with that, more words are forthcoming.
First things first, the brothers are 1.5 years old! They are walking, working on talking, interacting, and full of distinctly different personality. I am continually amazed at just how different they are given they share all of their genetic material. Kai eats meat, carbs (but not noodles), and pureed fruits and veggies with a strong emphasis on meat. Soren eats meat, carbs, fruit, and some veggies with a strong emphasis on fruit. Some days I think I should just give them one dinner plate to share Kai can have the meat, Soren can have the fruits and veggies. At the park Sore goes straight to the slide, Kai walks on bridges and up and down stairs, over and over. Generally Kai is quick with his smile and laugh, Soren is super serious. Although, the last few days Soren has been Mr. Smiles. Kai likes to sit down and eat meals, Soren is just like Audrey and would strongly prefer to graze all day. Actually, I often think Soren and Audrey are more similar in personality than Soren and Kai. I'm telling you guys, these identical twins are the science experiment that keeps on giving, so interesting to watch them grow.
Neither brother has the language Audrey had at 1.5, though as our Dr. said she is a touch act to follow. She was a super early talker. Both have some words. Soren loves to say uh-oh. They both say mommy and daddy, ball, and a few other things. Kai though, is such a babbler. He talks and talks gibberish complete with eye contact and emphasis as though he is really trying to communicate something. When he figures out actual words he is going to be talking up a storm. Kai also loves books. He goes and gets them from the shelf, brings them over, and climbs into your lap to listen. It is the best. Both brothers also love to give kisses and love it when we kiss their loveys.
They are always making their sister mad getting into her stuff, but she also loves them a lot. She loves to play with them and is continually saying "Oh Bubba you are so cute, oh Bubba." It is pretty sweet, until she pushes them over or tackles them.
I actually decided to take the time to write this because of a moment I had yesterday with the boys. I was playing with all three kids. They were sitting Soren, Audrey, Kai. Kai started giggling about something and Soren heard him and looked over and started smiling and laughing as well. He heard his brother laughing and it instantly brought a smile to his face. They went back and forth like that for awhile. Just the sound of the others giggle made them smile. It was the sweetest and pretty much sums up everything amazing about twins.
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