Well, maybe three because isn't it fun when she picks her own clothes.
Backstory: you may have figured out by now that we use some "crunchy" parenting practices (breast feeding, babywearing, cloth diapers). We did with Audrey too, nothing new. When the brothers were born "they" gave Audrey a baby carrier for her dolls/stuffed animals so she could wear them like mom and dad. She cast it aside and had not used it once.
Until recently. She came out holding Elmo to her belly one day and said "I wear him like mom and dad!" Be still my heart. Of course I ran and got her baby carrier for her. She has continued to ask to wear baby. Win!
I also breastfeed the brothers. They get bottles when I am away but when I am here I nurse them, largely because I think it is so much easier than washing bottles but also because I enjoy nursing. Especially with twins, but that is a post for another time. I also volunteer at the local hospital helping new moms with breastfeeding difficulties. I am a believer. So it sort of breaks my heart when Audrey always gives her babies bottles. I often say "doesn't baby want mama milk from mama" to no avail. I definitely respect that each family should choose the feeding practice that works best for them, but I just really want her to grow up thinking breastfeeding is the norm. Silly? Perhaps, but I am not perfect. JT knows how it just kills me that she never pretends to breastfeed. He makes fun of me for it all the time.
The other day he shouted "get in here Audrey is nursing her baby!" Obviously I dropped whoever I was nursing and came running. And there was my sweet baby girl with Elmo under her shirt feeding him her mama milk. Then she asked me to feed Elmo my mama milk. Of course I obliged. Tonight while I was feeding a brother she helped her giraffe drink from my other breast, and when I was feeding both brothers at the same time she fed giraffe her mama milk. Love. Love. Love. I just love her so much.
I realize I sound like a crazy person to many of you, but I don't even care. That is how much I love my little crunchy mama in training. Keep it up sweet girl.
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