This is the first month I only have a phone picture of them with their 3 month sign. Sorry brothers, I'm sure it won't be the last time. On that note, I need to either fix the camera on my phone or get a phone with a better camera, cause this one just isn't cutting it.
The brothers had a busy month three. They went on their first long car ride to see all of their Babas in Madison. They also got to hang out with aunts, uncles, and cousins. Frankly they were a little cranky about the change to their routine, but I'm sure they will enjoy their baba time more someday soon.
They were little troopers on the car ride though! It is about 6 hours of driving time and we only had to stop once each way. The stop was a long one, nursing, eating, changing, etc. But it only extended our trip by about an hour. Good work little buddies.
The brother are changing so much every day. They are giggling like little cuties and are so engaged in what we are doing. It is so much fun.
Audrey loves the brothers to pieces as well. She is always letting us know if they want to get out of bed and wants to help with all of the things. Here is your nook, brother. Here is your toy brother. Oh, brother I love you followed by a hug. She is a spectacular big sister.
Soren continues to demand individual attention in the form of very minor medical issues. He has moved on from the days of not feeding well to the world of torticollis. Basically he had a kink in his neck from being so smooshed in utero and does not like to turn his head left. Turns out he needs therapy for it so he doesn't end up with a misshapen head. So, he gets time alone with mom and dad once or twice a week when we go to OT and cranial sacral therapy. Hey, Soren if you want some individual attention just let us know bud, you don't have to keep seeking it in the form of medical issues. Deal?
Really, though both brothers are super healthy and developing great. We have no complaints there.
Other developments this month include:
- Smiles that come with barely any effort on our part
- The sweetest baby giggles
- Following people and toys with their eyes and heads
- Happy independent play on the floor
- They love to look around at the world, especially from babywearing devices, they spend a lot of time being worn because, three kids!
- Kicking their legs and rolling to their sides like champs