Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Audrey had a lot of Halloween fun this year, it just didn't happen on Halloween. She had a very fun day at daycare today, which means she was exhausted when she got home. She was laying on the couch, for like an hour. That basically never happens.

Also, it was snowing outside. And super windy. And we have to either walk a bit or drive to trick-or-treating. And when we asked Audrey if she wanted to go trick-or-treating she said no. So, we put her dragonfly costume on for a couple pictures in the awful overcast, evening light of our living room, gave her some candy corn and called it good. She didn't seem to mind.

She did get to have a very fun Halloween day with dad last Saturday. Unfortunately, I was working so I did not get to join in the fun. They went to the nature center down the road and had what appeared to be a wonderful time.

JT was a super good sport and agreed to take lots of pictures because he knew I was sad I couldn't go. Unfortunately, he did not realize I had the exposure settings on the camera on manual as he basically never uses it unless I set it up and give it to him. So, the pictures are a bit overexposed and a few are blurry, but he captured the moments perfectly, bless his heart.

At the nature center doots the dragonfly played ring toss on the witch's hat.
She got a pumpkin tattoo on her hand.
She ran through the woods.
 She ran through the bat tunnel.

She frolicked in a field.
And she chose a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.

Plenty of Halloween fun all in one day.
Grumpy McDooter was not in a celebrating mood tonight.

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