Last weekend we went to pick out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. It was a great time for the whole family.
Audrey enjoyed riding in, and pulling the wagon out to the pumpkin patch.
She also enjoyed walking around the patch trying to decide which pumpkins to pick. She finally chose a pumpkin with a fat top and a skinny bottom.
The pumpkin part was fun, but so were the ducks, turkeys, and slide.
Audrey loved the ducks. She wanted to watch them and chase them around their pen all day. She had a blast quacking and trying to stay as close to them as possible.
She also thought the turkeys were pretty cool. She went right up to the side of the pen and got a close look.
There was a playground with plastic tube slides. One on a gradual incline, one much steeper. I'm sure you'll never guess which Audrey preferred. She went down the "little kids" slide one time and was totally over it. To be fair, she had to scoot herself down it was so gradual.
As soon as she got done she said she wanted to go on the big slide. The one on the hill so steep she could not climb it without help. That's my girl. Her kind father helped her up and she went down as many times as we would let her. She shot out the bottom with a huge smile on her face every time. She is her mothers daughter, that one.
The pumpkin patch part was so fun I'm sure Audrey won't mind that I forgot the pumpkins were still in the back of the car. They proceeded to bang all over the place while I was like, what the heck is back there. Oh yeah, pumpkins! Then when I opened the back to rescue the bruised pumpkins Audrey's fell out and bounced around the mall parking lot. It did not break, but it is not in carving shape. I think we could maybe carve one of three. It is the thought that counts right?

Quick twin update: the boys looked great on our ultrasound last week. All the anatomy they couldn't see last time looked good and they are only measuring about an ounce apart, which is perfect. The estimated weight is a pound and a half for each little man right now, but the estimates are pretty variable so I try not to put to much stock in them. But still, three pounds of baby in my 24 week pregnant belly, oofta. Everything else is going well. Nothing of concern for them or me at this point. I am incubating those boys as best I can. My only request to you little dudes is to please change your position, they are currently in the "bunk bed" meaning they are laying horizontally one above the other, foot to head. Obviously, I want them to switch to head down so they can come out the old fashioned way, but also the horizontal thing is exceptionally uncomfortable. There is just not that much room horizontally, not to mention they keep kicking each other in the face, or at least they were on the ultrasound. Dr. appointments sure do take a lot longer with twins, gone are the days of 15 minute appointments they now take hours. Yay, hours at the doctor every month.