Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This is my life, and I chose it?

Let me set the scene for you...

I have worked 9 days in a row, with two more to go. Many of those days were long, exhausting field days with lots of driving. I am tired. All I want to do is lay down with a book and some tea and go to sleep when Audrey does.

Instead I go to derby practice, because that is what good derby girls do and it is always fun once I actually get myself there. However, when I get home from practice I am going to relax. All I can think of is a hot bath, tea, and a book.

After I get home, and pump I get my bath ready. I sit down in the blissful hot water with some sleepy time tea and a memoir about addiction. I have a weird fascination with addiction, this is a topic for another time. The tub is full, I turn off the water and soak it in and hear Audrey start to fuss. Shit.

I literally just sat down in the bath. I haven't even had a sip of tea or read a single word. Shit. Maybe she'll go back to sleep. It's too early for JT to give her middle of the night bottle. Shit.

She keeps fussing. I haul myself out of the tub, grab a towel, and drag my dripping wet self to her room. She is upset for reasons unknown to me, but likely having to do with teeth. I am desperate to get back to my bath so I nurse her, usually I would try something else first as she just ate a couple hours ago. But I am desperate and nursing is magical. She seems to mostly be asleep after about 10 minutes so I go back to the tub.

I get back in, thankfully the water is still hot, and start my relaxation process over. I drink a little tea read about a chapter and I hear her fussing again. What do I do this time?

I think screw it, JT's turn. And I carry on with my bath. However, it is a lot less relaxing when you can hear a baby moaning about her sore gums in the background.

Audrey did go back to sleep on her own that time and she was pretty good the rest of the night, but still I just wanted a half an hour to escape and relax.

Is that so much to ask baby girl? Perhaps next time you can help a mama out?

But, we chose this and I wouldn't trade in my baby for all the uninterrupted baths in the world. Though a house with thicker walls and/or more distance between Audrey's room and ours would be nice.

 Can't stay mad at this face though!

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