Monday, June 3, 2013

Look Mom I can Sit!

It took all of my effort to get the last post up on time, which means I am way late in getting another post up. You win some, you lose some.

In the last week or so Audrey has done so many things! She took her first long car ride to Wisconsin to see my good friends and soccer teammates from college, she is rolling all over the place, sleeping on her stomach, eating food, and sitting up!

Whew, that's a lot of stuff little lady.

Audrey was awesome in the car to and from Wisconsin. She has now been to 5 states in her short life. That is almost one a month. We are driving to North Carolina in July so she will get to log a few more states.

She did great in the car, she slept a lot, played with her toys, and we went back to feed and entertain her here and there. Sleeping at night while traveling is another story, but no one is perfect.

I had so much fun on our trip as well. It was so wonderful to catch up with the ladies. Audrey also really enjoyed playing with Beckett who is one day younger than her, but a whole lot bigger!

We did all sorts of fun things in Wisconsin including checking out the Burlington chocolate festival. It was not quite what we were expecting, but fun nonetheless. It turned out the people watching was the most entertaining part.

We enjoyed using Jason and Katies' video monitor when we were there. So much so that we ran out and bought one. We had been wanting one for a long time and seeing how nice it was in real life sealed the deal. I will say I thought they were unnecessary before having the baby, but it really is quite nice, and fun, to be able to see what is going on. Because we have a video monitor now we know that 1) Audrey rolls all over creation in her sleep and 2) she does not always scream when on her stomach. Sometimes she turns her head and goes back to sleep. Such a big girl.

Audrey has also started trying some solid food. She has had banana, avocado, and sweet potato so far. She seemed to really like the avocado and sweet potato. She wasn't crazy about banana, but it was also the first food she tried so we'll give it another go soon.

As you can see in the pictures, she really likes feeding herself, which is fine by me. I don't want to be stuck feeding her forever, I'm lazy. So, we just take her clothes off, load up the spoon and let her go. She gets a surprisingly large amount in her mouth.

And as of yesterday Audrey can sit up! She is much better at it on the grass or another soft surface. She stayed upright long enough for me to take pictures of her (she only tipped over once), so I'd say that is sitting up for real.

Baby girl still tries hard to go from laying to sitting by doing a situp. She loves to work those abs. We have tried to tell her that is not the easiest way but she hasn't figured it out yet. I'm sure she will work it out.

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