Monday, April 29, 2013

Doots Goes to the Zoo

We were planning all week to take Audrey to the zoo on Sunday. We chose Sunday because 1) I wanted to go to derby practice on Saturday and I wanted to take Audrey to a baby fair thing (this did not happen, but I intended to go) and 2) all week the weather said Sunday was going to be nicer than Saturday. Until Saturday when the weather changed its mind. Stupid weather.

However, we were not going to let a little change in the weather deter us. So, even though it was cool and rainy Sunday we took doots to the zoo. It was still fun, but I imagine it would have been more fun if it was sunny and 70 like they said it would be. Stupid weather. Of course, today it is nice and sunny and warm.

Due to the less than ideal weather situation I did not take as many pictures as I would have liked. But I still got a couple and Audrey did enjoy the zoo. We thought she might enjoy looking at the animals because she loves watching the pets. She is always whipping her head around to see what they are doing and where they are going.
She did like watching the animals. She mostly wanted to sit in the shelter of her stroller, with the company of monster, and take it all in. We took her out to look at the big cats and the monkeys. She thought the little monkey (lemurs, I'm not sure sorry zoo people) were pretty cool. She was moving her head everywhere to try to keep track of them.

The penguins and peacocks were her favorite though. She kicked her feet and giggled while she was watching them. This made JT happy as the penguins are also his favorite. He would like to have one as a pet, he has it all planned out if I ever decide to give in. In fact, in honor of her love for the penguins he chose to read her "My Person Penguin" as her bedtime story last night. Daddy and doots, lovers of penguins.

In other news, Audrey still loves her monster (it is actually and owl but whatever) more than anything in this world. With that in mind, we ordered a backup monster. Now we can wash it and not live in fear of losing it or leaving it at daycare.

She loves that dude so much she always wants him nearby. She really likes this new owl toy, but not enough to put monster down!

Doots also loves to be outside. She likes to go for rides in her stroller, go for walks in the Ergo (as long as she is on your back, she does not like excessive cuddling), and likes to just sit in the yard and watch the world go by. Here's hoping she continues to enjoy the outdoors. She's going to have a hard time in this family if she doesn't like to be outside!

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