The boys had a very fun 11th month. They both started crawling, Soren got a couple teeth, they started pulling up on everything, they began to love baths, they started taking music class, they are always taking stuff from their sister and the dog (the dog handles it much better than the sister), they met Santa, and they went to chop down a Christmas tree for the first time. Busy, busy month.
The biggest development this month is mobility. Those boys are crawling everywhere and getting into everything. We have our main level set up so they are mostly safe to crawl around and do what the wish, but of course they are always getting into the stuff they shouldn't be. The dog cage, cords, the dog water. You get the idea.
They are also pulling themselves up and Soren is starting to cruise from piece of furniture to piece of furniture. No real balancing while standing yet, but it won't be too long before they start walking.
They have also started to get much more interactive this month, especially Kai. He will wave and clap and pretty much mimic anything we do. Especially when he is in his high chair. It is really fun. Soren waves and does some mimicking as well, but not quite so much as Kai. Though Soren is pretty good at coming when called these days.
Food is their favorite thing ever. They eat any and everything we put on their trays. I am pretty sure they eat more than Audrey almost every day, and they still nurse quite a bit. The only place where we have not progressed much is sleep. I know they will sleep someday, but I am beginning to think that day is in the distant future. Who needs sleep anyway, right?
All in all 11 was a good month for those brothers. Tons of development, tons of fun, lots of love.
Instead of a things they love and hate this month, I am going to do a little bit about what each one likes and doesn't, because they are two different people after all.
Kai loves balls. He loves to catch balls, he loves to throw balls, he loves to chase balls, he just loves balls. He also falls asleep on his own much better than Soren and tends to be a little more laid back and happy, which is an interesting change from days gone by. We call him the bottomless pit of Kai because you cannot fill that kid up. He just keeps eating, though he is a little bit pickier than Soren. He continues to lag a little bit behind Soren in the gross motor skill department. We attribute that to all the physical therapy Soren had as a little dude. Kai makes all sorts of crazy sounds, not too many words yet, but the sounds that come out of that boy are something else. He loves books and currently is sleeping quite a bit better than Soren.
Soren loves music. He loves his drum with his whole heart. He also love to pull himself up and climb. He has taken to climbing the bottom few steps when we are downstairs. Yay. He crawls super fast and is into everything. He also loves his food, though not quite as much as Kai. Soren is currently in a bit of a crabby place and doesn't like to go to sleep on his own, or stay asleep really. We are pretty sure he says doggy and daddy quite a bit. Soren is a pretty big fan of Winnie and the cats. He also loves to take toys from Kai and Audrey. He apparently is stronger than Kai and takes his stuff all the time, he also like to smack Kai in the face and laugh and laugh. Kai is really not a fan. He is a sweet cuddly little man who loves to smile.
So similar and so different. Both beautiful little men. Already one in a just a couple short weeks. I am not sure how that is possible, but I am grateful I have been at least doing monthly updates here because this whole year is a blur. More about that next month.