Sometimes the magnitude of the love I have for my three little people catches me off guard. Like a sucker punch to the gut, it takes my breath and causes a moment of panic. How can I love these little monsters this much.
My whole heart is in these little humans. Just walking around the world free to be shattered at a whim. I don't think about that possibility long though, instead I bask in the glow of being surrounded by such intense love. The kids, my husband. There is so much love in our crazy little home and I am so incredibly grateful.
I am so grateful that I was lucky enough to be born into the safety of upper middle class America, I am so grateful I was able to marry the love of my life, buy a beautiful house, and create three perfect people. That is a lot of wonderful right there, and sometimes it sneaks up on me and punches me right in the gut. A reminder to let the tantrums, messes, and poop go, and instead bask in this house full of love.
So much to give thanks for, so very much.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The Brothers: 10 months.
The brothers are getting very close to a year. I find this very hard to believe. Perhaps because much of this year has been a blur of sleep deprivation and craziness. Speaking of sleep, I am not going to talk about sleep today. Let's just say some nights are good, some nights are terrible, someday they will sleep.
Soren, I am sorry. Most of the photos from this month are of Kai. I will do better next month, buddy.
The brothers are still working hard on moving they scoot around on their bellies but mostly go backwards. They have mastered going from their bellies to sitting, though. Both have started to crawl on all fours in very small increments but they really haven't taken off yet.
Kai is working hard on pulling himself up. He loves to stand and is getting close to pulling up all by himself. Soren is a little less into the pulling up and more into moving around. Generally he just scoots around the room until he gets stuck against or under some piece of furniture and then he starts squawking. Kai is perhaps a bit more needy in his desired play activities. To each his own. I am certain they will be moving with speed soon enough. It is fine if they take a bit longer than their big sister to walk, too. She was walking in favor of crawling by her first birthday. I must say I will be perfectly happy if the boys take a bit longer.

They still aren't doing much waving or clapping, but Kai can catch and throw a ball like a boss. They both also reach up with their arms to be picked up and are generally quite interactive. We will keep working on the waving because it is so darn cute when they figure it out. I think part of why they don't wave yet is they don't get dropped off or picked up from daycare. I think that is where Audrey picked up that particular skill. I guess we will have to start waving goodbye when we leave the room.
It has been a pretty busy month for the brother bears. They had their first Halloween. They were a monkey and a giraffe. They started music class. We went to Madison and saw all the Babas and cousins. So much fun.
They continue to love food, anything we give them. We have not yet found one thing they will not eat. Good work little men. They are big enough that they get angry when you take something away from them, sorry Audrey. As a result, Audrey has started "trading" toys with them when they have something she wants. I keep telling her they will be bigger than her soon, I guess she should enjoy her time as queen.
Still no teeth. I assume they do have teeth and will get them some day. For now they seem to make do quite well with just their gums.
In addition to those baby boys keeping their beautiful blue eyes, it appears they have a bit of curl to their hair. Jackpot.While we are on the jackpot subject, you may recall that Audrey was not a cuddly baby at all. She still isn't super cuddly but does request cuddles everyday. The brothers are way more cuddly than Audrey. Especially Kai, he is the cuddliest little dude and I love it! He also has a clear affinity for me which I must admit is nice given Audrey's preference for daddy of which she informs me everyday.
All in all, we have two happy, healthy little men. And don't worry guys, once you turn one and I cut back on these update posts I will do one for each of you. I do feel like you need some individual attention on the blog so you both get your own one year old post. You are welcome. Also, I really will update the name of the blog soon. Sorry about that little dudes.
Things the brothers love right now
- Scooting all over
- Standing
- Trying to chew on dog toys
- Putting any and everything in their mouths (mostly Soren)
- Sister
- Pets
- The rocking Police motorcyle
- Stroller rides
- Walks and runs
- Baths in the sink
- Life
- Books, though it is getting a bit better
- Diaper changes
- People interfering with their play, safety is a pain
- Falling

Sunday, November 1, 2015
The brothers: 9 months
This is my 100th post. Woo hoo!
Also, it is the brothers 9 month post. They are almost exactly 9.5 months. Such is life.

Today may not be the best day to do this post. The boys have had a cold this week and sleep has been hell. Seriously. From 9 pm to morning one is up the other is up repeat, repeat, repeat. It has been on par with newborn days. We did get a 4 hour chunk last night, so here's hoping the worst is past. I do feel bad for the poor stuffed up little dudes, but I also like to sleep. No, I love to sleep.

Other than the sickness the brothers are great. We had their 9 month check up and Soren was 17 pounds 8 ounces, Kai was 16 pounds 13 ounces. Both are still on the growth curve like 15% and 7% or something like that.

Everything checked out well. They are a bit behind in their gross motor skills, but they were also a month early so no one is concerned. They will crawl, and pull themselves up, and walk, and wave when they are ready. They seem to be progressing just fine so no worries from us or the doctor. In fact, Kai is quite good at catching a ball. Here is some video proof.
What are the brothers doing? They are scooting all over the place. The get on hands and knees and rock but they mostly move by rotating and scooting on their bellies. It's not really army crawling because they mostly go backwards and side to side, though there is some forward motion. They definitely go after things they want. Before we know it they will be everywhere

I swear Kai has said hi and I also think they have both clapped and waved but it is not consistent yet. They say mama and dada and we think maybe they say it in the appropriate context. Food, they love food. Any food we put in front of them they devour some of their favorites are eggs, meat of any kind, and yogurt.

We started a music class with them and they love it. They love instruments, especially shakers and banging sticks together. They have a blast at class. So does Audrey, though she is not actually in the class but the teacher is quite kind about letting her participate when she wants. The class is at an indoor play space and she sort of comes and goes depending on what instruments are out. She always makes it for the goodbye song and dance. That little lady loves to dance and the brothers love to watch her.

Things the brothers love right now
Also, it is the brothers 9 month post. They are almost exactly 9.5 months. Such is life.
Today may not be the best day to do this post. The boys have had a cold this week and sleep has been hell. Seriously. From 9 pm to morning one is up the other is up repeat, repeat, repeat. It has been on par with newborn days. We did get a 4 hour chunk last night, so here's hoping the worst is past. I do feel bad for the poor stuffed up little dudes, but I also like to sleep. No, I love to sleep.
Other than the sickness the brothers are great. We had their 9 month check up and Soren was 17 pounds 8 ounces, Kai was 16 pounds 13 ounces. Both are still on the growth curve like 15% and 7% or something like that.
Everything checked out well. They are a bit behind in their gross motor skills, but they were also a month early so no one is concerned. They will crawl, and pull themselves up, and walk, and wave when they are ready. They seem to be progressing just fine so no worries from us or the doctor. In fact, Kai is quite good at catching a ball. Here is some video proof.
What are the brothers doing? They are scooting all over the place. The get on hands and knees and rock but they mostly move by rotating and scooting on their bellies. It's not really army crawling because they mostly go backwards and side to side, though there is some forward motion. They definitely go after things they want. Before we know it they will be everywhere
I swear Kai has said hi and I also think they have both clapped and waved but it is not consistent yet. They say mama and dada and we think maybe they say it in the appropriate context. Food, they love food. Any food we put in front of them they devour some of their favorites are eggs, meat of any kind, and yogurt.
We started a music class with them and they love it. They love instruments, especially shakers and banging sticks together. They have a blast at class. So does Audrey, though she is not actually in the class but the teacher is quite kind about letting her participate when she wants. The class is at an indoor play space and she sort of comes and goes depending on what instruments are out. She always makes it for the goodbye song and dance. That little lady loves to dance and the brothers love to watch her.
Things the brothers love right now
- Food
- Blocks
- To steal each others toys
- Baths
- Stroller runs/walks
- Riding on mom or dads back in the carrier
- Peek a boo
- When mom or dad walks in the room
- Winnie dog
- Books (Kai likes them OK. Soren hates books. Hates them.)
- Getting their noses wiped
- Diaper rash (poor Soren)
- Getting stuck places, scooting around is hard
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