I tried to get a nice picture of the kids by the giant pumpkin on the way in as I thought it would be easier than the way out. They were not in a cooperative mood. We tried all sorts of sounds to get them all to look. Was. Not. Going. To. Happen. Not today.
Audrey mostly just wanted to play on the playground, but we did convince her to watch the pigs race, look at the animals, and go on the hayride to the pumpkin patch. She also really wanted to go on the train, as did we, but it turns out it only ran once an hour and it was small. Like really small. So when we went to get on there was no room and we weren't going to sit at the train station for an hour to wait. So, alas no train.
The brothers were pretty ambivalent about everything. They rode around in the stroller and carriers and took it all in. They did very much enjoy eating a small piece of Audrey's donut. That was the highlight for them for sure.

You may be wondering what the highlight was for Audrey. We asked her as we were leaving. She said going potty. Yep. Her highlight was going potty.
You may be wondering why that was fun. Well, she had to go about two second after we got off the hayride in the pumpkin patch. Of course. No bathrooms in the pumpkin patch and we all know a just potty trained little person can't wait 15 minutes to go after they say they need to. So to the woods we went. Her first peeing in the woods experience, and it was the highlight of her day. Oh toddlers.