Audrey chose her college last week. I'm sure she won't change her mind before she is 18.
Here is how it all went down.
JT is a lover of Duplos, I'm sure he'll be a lover of regular Legos too. But for now it is Duplos. Thus, often when he is playing with Audrey he is building things from Duplos for her to take apart. She loves taking Duplos apart right now. She has not yet figured out putting together, I'm sure she'll get there soon.
Anyway, last week we were all playing in the living room and I turned around to find an array of college letters built from Duplos on the living room floor. JT was looking pretty proud. To be fair, I was pretty damn impressed. I am not a Duplo engineer and pretty much only build cars, houses, and bridges. College letters blew my mind.
There was obviously only one thing to do at this point, line all of the letters up on the table and let Audrey decide where she is going to college.
The choices were Wisconsin, Michigan State, Duke, Iowa, Oregon, and North Carolina. I assume JT built Wisconsin, Michigan State, and Duke first and then made whatever he could with the leftover pieces. I'm sure doots will appreciate how much thought went into the options.
I declared Michigan State the winner, I'm not sure that all eyes would have seen it this way I know JT's did not. He declared Duke the winner.
She picked up Duke first and then put it down, she then picked up Wisconsin and threw it on the floor. The W shattered into a million pieces.
Then she picked up Michigan State and played with it, taking it apart block by block. At this age, the winner is the one she plays with. Go green. Go white. Audrey is frugal and she chose in state tuition.
JT contests that she chose Duke because it is the only one she touched but did not destroy. My opinion is, there is no way in the world she can go to Duke without drowning in debt so it really isn't a contender. He says she will get a scholarship.
I am keeping my eggs in Michigan State basket. That sure worked well for me last weekend. Go State!