Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Toddler knows best

When we were in Wisconsin for Christmas we took Audrey to the Madison Children's Museum. They have an area just for little dudes.

She had a lot of fun. Her favorite things were, looking at the fish, going down the ramp, going down the slide, and WATER!
She loved watching the fish in the tank. Which is good, because we still owe her a fish tank for her birthday. Soon baby girl. Tires, generators, and life have gotten in the way but we haven't forgotten you. We will go pick out your fish soon.
She really liked the super steep slide as well. Always a dare devil that one.

But her favorite part was the water room. Of course. Every time we go to a Children's Museum there is a water room and every time I think why. Why are you tempting our children with water? They are going to get all wet and it will be messy, and they will get cold, and we will have to change clothes.

This trip I had an epiphany.
Who cares.

Who cares if she gets wet. Who cares if it is a mess. Who cares if we have to leave right after the water room because she is soaking wet. We took her to the Children's Museum so SHE could have fun, right? So we need to let her have the fun she wants to have. Even if that means a wet little girl.

She will be a happy, wet little girl.
I will admit this is sometimes easier said than done. But I have been trying to remind myself of this in everyday life as well. Within reason, of course. Playing in the toilet is still a no go. BUT when I can I try to remember to let Audrey choose her own fun, even if it is not what I would choose at that moment.

From now on we will bring extra clothes to the Children's Museum.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Jane of many trades

Audrey is a very well rounded little lady.

She loves books. They are easily one of her favorite toys.

She also loves her duplos. She likes to take them out of the bin and put them back in the bin. She really enjoys taking them apart and then putting them away. I suspect she will learn to build with them one day.
She is a budding photographer.
However, her greatest love is perhaps for her riding toys. She has a musical scooter thing and a hippo push toy/rider. She loves to be pushed on them. But, let's be honest mom and dad do not always love to push her. It is fun because she squeals with glee. But you can only push a toddler down the hall so many times.
So, when no one is willing to push her she likes to use her riding toys in creative ways.

She surfs on the hippo.

She uses them as climbing aids.

She pushes them into things.

And of course, she falls off. Our little dare devil. I'm sure we'll get to spend more than our fair share of time at urgent care. I am OK with that, though. I like spunky little girls!