She is so much fun right now. Changing so much every day. She seems to have mostly gotten back to normal in terms of sleep. Which still isn't ideal, but it is better than the awful that was vacation sleep.
In addition to going to 4 new states and seeing the ocean for the first time, she has started crawling!
Yep, life with a baby has gotten real in this house. The little lady is army crawling all over the place.
This means several things.
1) She will be for real crawling soon, which means she'll be moving way faster. That should be fun.
2) We need to baby proof. Bad.
3) We will be cleaning our floors much more frequently because oh my goodness are they dirtier than they look. Little lady is like a little mop.
Audrey is becoming more like a toddler all the time. She is starting to really enjoy food. Especially if is she is able to feed herself. She loves peaches.

I took this peach from her when it split at the pit and she lost it until I got her a new peach. Like really lost it, she was not done with that peach. Yet another example of how big she is getting. Little lady knows what she wants and she's not afraid to let you know.
One change I am absolutely thrilled with is a recent increase in cuddliness. In just the past day or so she has seemed to want to cuddle with me more than normal. I am not complaining about this at all. I love cuddling with that baby, I'm glad she has seen the light.
Cuddling with mama. |
Audrey also loves her dad. He gets the best laughs from her. Especially when he swings her around or makes funny faces. She loves it all. She has started mimicking funny faces a lot more. It is pretty darn cute.
She is at such a fun age right now. Changing every day. Sometimes I feel like I pick a different baby up from daycare than I dropped off. This is sad and exciting at the same time.
Let's get to the list.
Things Audrey loves right now
- Crawling
- Balls
- Maracas
- The pets
- Peaches
- The iPad
- Getting into everything
- Mouth noises
- Roaring
- Being swung and tossed
- Walks and runs
- The beach
- Baths
- Getting her pajamas on
- Getting her face wiped
- Being confined
- Not getting to play with the remote, dog toys, paper, etc.
- Taking medicine. Especially grape or orange flavored medicine
- Thrush
- Getting dressed
Just hanging out guys. |